75int main (
int argc ,
char * argv[] )
79 std::cerr <<
"please pass spline degree and cutoff on the command line"
84 int degree = std::atoi ( argv[1] ) ;
86 assert ( degree >= 0 && degree <= vspline_constants::max_degree ) ;
88 long double cutoff = std::atof ( argv[2] ) ;
90 std::cout <<
"calculating impulse response with spline degree "
91 << degree <<
" and cutoff " << cutoff << std::endl ;
102 std::cout <<
"long double ir_" << degree <<
"[] = {" << std::endl ;
104 std::cout << std::fixed << std::showpoint
105 << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<long double>::max_digits10) ;
107 for (
int k = 0 ; k < 1001 ; k++ )
109 if ( std::abs ( v1[k] ) > cutoff )
111 std::cout << v1[k] <<
"L ," << std::endl ;
114 std::cout <<
"} ;" << std::endl ;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
code to distribute the processing of bulk data to several threads
class bspline now builds on class bspline_base, adding coefficient storage, while bspline_base provid...
void prefilter(vspline::xlf_type boost=vspline::xlf_type(1), int njobs=vspline::default_njobs)
prefilter converts the knot point data in the 'core' area into b-spline coefficients....
includes all headers from vspline (most of them indirectly)